Gareth and Vivek host my first ever Strengths Finder Webinar

career development professional growth Oct 01, 2021

Strengths Finder Webinar

My great friend Vivek Jade, CEO and Founder of My Next Hire and I held our first ever webinar crossing two continents and five time zones.

Our feedback has been great and we wanted to now share this with you.

So please watch if

  • You would like to find out how to gain a 10% increase in your time
  • You want to discover how to do more of what you are naturally great at
  • You would like to manage the things that could potentially derail you
  • You would like to find out what the majority of people who have taken the Strengths Finder are good at and not so good at. Both male and female !

This is our first webinar, it is 60 minutes long and we hope that you find it educational and helpful.

Please do Comment, Like or Share if you are happy to as we would really love to share our knowledge with as many people around the world as we possibly can.


Link to YouTube below

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